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A: John, how is your math exam?

A: 约翰,你的数学考试怎么样?

B: I ve not only passed the exam but aced it! I am quite pleased with myself.

B: 我不仅通过了而且得了A!我真为自己高兴。

A: It is great to hear that. Well done.

A: 这真是太棒了。干得好。

B: Thank you, it is very kind of you to say so.

B: 谢谢!你这么说真让人高兴。


A: Mr. Brown, I ll be glad to tell you that Kate will work as your new assistant instead of me tomorrow.

A: 布朗先生,我很高兴地告诉您,明天凯特将代替我作为您的新助手。

B: Does it mean you ll be leaving?

B: 你的意思是你要离开?

A: Yes. I have been admitted by Stanford University.

A: 是的。我已经被斯坦福大学录取了。

B: Is that right?Well, congratulations!

B: 真的吗?祝贺你!

A: Thank you.

A: 谢谢您。

B: I m happy to have Kate with me, but I hate to see you leave. You ve done excellent work.

B: 我很高兴凯特和我一起工作,但是我不愿意你离开。你工作一向很出色。

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