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A: Hi, Robert, what happened to your face? It looks swollen.

A: 罗伯特, 你的脸怎么了? 看上去有点肿。

B: I had to go to get a cavity filled today.

B: 我今天去镶牙了。

A: Did it hurt?

A: 疼吗?

B: I don t even wanna talk about it. It killed me!

B: 我甚至都不想讲了。杀了我吧!

A: How long were you in the chair?

A: 你在椅子上坐了多久?

B: It took quite a while. But the worst part that they had to give me 3shots!

B: 似乎很短。但是最糟糕的是他们竟然给我打了三针!

A: Well, I guess you ve learned a good lesson, huh! You have to take good care of your teeth.

A: 我想这次是你的教训,你要好好爱护自己的牙齿了。

B: No kidding. Not only can t I stand the pain, but man dentists are expensive. The bill is going to be humongous!

B: 别开玩笑了。不仅我要忍受疼痛,我还要花费很高的出诊费。医疗费太贵了!

A: Don t you have a dental insurance?

A: 你没有牙科保险吗?

B: I do, but it still doesn t cover everything.

B: 我有,但是那不管什么用。

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