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A: Is there anything I can do for you? I d like to help you if I can.

A: 有什么我能帮你吗? 如果我能我很愿意帮你。

B: That is kind of you. But I can t think of anything at this moment.

B: 你真热情。不过我想不起来是什么事了。

A: Well, have you finished your schedule for the next week? Maybe I could help you with your schedule.

A: 噢,你做好下周的计划了吗? 或许我能帮你做一下你的计划。

B: I just finished it the day before yesterday.

B: 前天我刚做好计划。

A: Well, I feel so useless when I hang around with nothing to deal with.

A: 我这么晃悠着没什么事做感觉自己好没用。

B: Do you? Then don t worry. In a couple of weeks there ll be much work to do. Then you would have to suffer a lot and miss the old good days.

B: 是吗? 不用担心。未来几周要有很多事做的。你会很痛苦,也会怀念过去的好日子的。

A: I don t think so. I like to work when I have nothing to do I would feel anxious.

A: 我倒不觉得。我喜欢工作,当没事情做的时候我会感觉焦虑。

B: You are such a workaholic. There is a lot more to life than work! You should learn how to enjoy yourself. Don t you think so?

B: 你真是工作狂。与工作相比还有更重要的事呢! 你该学学怎么放松享受生活。你不觉得吗?

A: Sounds reasonable.

A: 嗯,很有道理。

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