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A: Oh, my God! The woman ahead of us is driving too slowly! That kind of people just drives me nuts.

A: 天哪! 前面的女人开的太慢了! 这种人会让我发疯的。

B: Wait a moment. Do you have something urgent?

B: 等一等。你有急事吗?

A: What do you mean, dude?

A: 你什么意思嘛,老兄?

B: Didn t you hear about the car accident on this highway last week? A father and his daughter overtook a car ahead of them, ran into an oncoming track, and they got killed immediately.

B: 你没听说上周高速路的交通事故吗?一位父亲和他的女儿超了前面的一辆车,驶向了正开过来的一辆卡车,他们立刻身亡。

A: I did hear about that. That is really a scary story.

A: 我确实听说了。这确实很可怕。

B: So when you drive your car, don t be crazy. Try to be patient, OK?

B: 所以你驾驶的时候,别太疯狂。耐心点,好不好?

A: You are right. Thanks!

A: 你是对的,谢谢!

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