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A: I think I have a temperature.

A: 我想我发烧了。

B: Do you?

B: 是吗?

A: My head is spinning and I have a hot throat.

A: 我头晕目眩而且咽喉很热。

B: Let me take your temperature... Hmm, it is not so high. You d better stay at home today. And remember, don t work on the computer!

B: 我来量一下你的体温,嗯,不是很高。你今天比较好待在家里。记住,不要在电脑前工作。

A: No, I won t. I know that staying up late with computers has made my bad health. But I can t help it. I guess I become addicted to the Internet.

A: 不,我不要这样。我知道熬夜在电脑前工作导致我身体不好。但是我忍不住。我猜我对网络上瘾了。

B: If you want to keep yourself in good health, you d better quit surfing the Net at night. It is harmful to your health.

B: 如果你想身体健康,你比较好放弃晚上上网。因为这对你身体不好。

A: OK. I will try.

A: 好,我试试。

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