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A: Mary, I know you re an expert in skincare.

A: 玛丽,我知道你是护肤老师。

B: Well, I wouldn t say that, but I do know something. So how can I help you?

B: 呵呵,别这么说,我只是了解一点而已。能帮上忙吗?

A: I think I have an oily skin and there re always small bumps here and there on my face. How can I get rid of them? They re really irritating!

A: 我可能是油性皮肤,脸上到处是小疙瘩。怎样才能摆脱它们呢?这太讨厌了。

B: Well, I would suggest that you wash your face often. Every night you should rinse your face with lukewarm water, then pat it dry with a clean towel. Make sure you don t rub it dry. Then you apply this cream to your face.

B: 哦,建议你勤洗脸。每晚洁面后,用干净毛巾擦干,不要摩擦得太干燥,然后使用这款润肤乳霜。

A: Oh, this cream?

A: 这个吗?

B: Yeah. It s pretty effective in wiping poreclogging dirt and oil. It rids your face of dead cells and helps stimulate circulation.

B: 是的,它能有效去除毛孔堵塞及皮肤油分,可以去除死皮,刺激脸部细胞循环。

A: Wow.

A: 噢。

B: Oh, just use a small amount on the oily areas. Also, don t rub it hard. Just dab it lightly.

B: 每次在出油部位使用少量,别太用力,只是轻拍。

A: I ll keep that in mind!

A: 记下了!

B: Also, I would suggest you get a facial every four to six weeks for a deep cleaning.

B: 还有个建议,每4—6天做一次深层清洁。

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