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A: Wow, you look pretty nice. You are sharply different from what you were several months ago! How did you lose your weight?

A: 哇, 你看上去真漂亮。你跟几个月前根本不一样! 你怎么减肥的?

B: They re cucumbers. They can lose your weight but not harm your body. Besides, they are natural healers of the skin. Haven t you heard them say on TV that...er...they soften the skin, wipe out the roughness?

B: 吃黄瓜。吃黄瓜可以减肥但对身体无害。另外,黄瓜对治疗皮肤自然有效。你没听电视说……呃……黄瓜可以软化皮肤,减少粗糙吗?

A: Yeah, yeah! They wipe out tight, tired feelings and remove lines and age signs, etc. You see I can even recite it. You should have told me much earlier! I will try cucumbers from now on!

A: 是, 是,听说了! 它们能软化皮肤,减小皮肤紧绷疲惫之感,去除皮肤岁月痕迹,等等!看我都能背下来了。你早该告诉我!从今天起我也要试试黄瓜!

B: That s right! You ve learned a lot, haven t you?

B: 那就对了!你学了很多吧,是不是?

A: Yes.

A: 是的。

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