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A: You look sleepy! Don t work too late.

A: 你看起来很困啊!不要工作太晚了。

B: Yes, I feel tired and sleepy as long as I work long hours.

B: 是啊,我一工作太久就感到很累而且很困。

A: Do you? Then it s time for bed!

A: 是吗?那该睡觉了。

B: Why? It s only nine o clock now!

B: 为什么?现在才九点啊!

A: I know, but you are so tired. Besides, you have to get up early tomorrow to catch the train.

A: 我知道,但是你太累了。而且你明天要早起赶火车。

B: Oh yes, you are right. I nearly forget it. We are going to New York to see Barbara.

B: 哟,是啊!我差点给忘了。我们要去纽约去看芭芭拉。

A: That s right. So you need to go to bed early and have a good sleep. You will have a busy day tomorrow!

A: 对了。所以你得早点上床,然后好好睡一觉。明天你会很忙!

B: All right. I agree.

B: 好的,我同意。

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