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A: Would you like to try our delicious cakes, sir? The cakes in our restaurant have a variety of tastes.

A: 先生,请问要不要试试我们的美味蛋糕呢?我们店的蛋糕品种繁多。

B: OK, I d like to have a try.

B: 好的,我试一试。

A: Shall I show you the cakes menu?

A: 我给您看一下蛋糕单吧?

B: Thanks, that s good. Wow, these cakes are perfect. Now I d like a chocolate cake and a strawberry cake.

B: 谢谢,太好了。哇,这些蛋糕真是太棒了。我要一个巧克力蛋糕加一个草莓蛋糕。

A: OK, anything else?

A: 好的,还要别的吗?

B: Orange juice, please. Then that is enough.(Twenty minutes later)

B: 加个橙汁,就够了。(二十分钟后)

A: Excuse me. Our buffet will close in 15minutes. If you want something more, would you please take it soon?

A: 对不起,自助餐还有15分钟就收餐了,如果您还需要什么,请早些去取。

B: OK, I ll get some salad.

B: 好的,我拿些沙拉。

A: Today, our restaurant has a little gift for each of the guest. Here you are. Thank you for having our buffet.

A: 今天,我们餐厅有一份小礼物送给每位顾客。给您,谢谢您在此享用自助餐。

B: Thank you so much, it s really nice.

B: 非常感谢,你真好。

A: This is with our compliments.

A: 这是我们的小心意。

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