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A: Waiter, can I have the bill, please?

A: 服务员,结账。

B: Yes, sir.

B: 好的,先生。

A: Do you accept traveler s cheque?

A: 你们收旅行支票吗?

B: Yes, sir. But could you give me your address and some identification?

B: 是的,先生,但是您要出示地址和证件。

A: Here is my passport.

A: 这是我的护照。

B: Thank you.

B: 谢谢。

A: Should I put my name and address on the back of the cheque?

A: 我要把名字和地址写在支票背面吗?

B: Yes, would you please sign them in block letters?

B: 是的,请用正楷字书写,好吗?

A: No problem.

A: 没问题。

B: Here are some complimentary vouchers for you. Next time you have lunch or dinner in our restaurant. Please pay attention to the usage conditions and expiry date.

B: 我们有一些赠券发给您,下次午晚餐时间您可以结账用,请留意使用说明和有效期。

A: Thank you very much.

A: 多谢。

B: It s my pleasure, sir. Please come again. We look forward to having you with us again.

B: 不用谢,先生,欢迎下次光临,我们将期待着您的光临。

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