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A: Would you like anything else?

A: 您还需要些什么?

B: No, thank you. We ll have the bill now.

B: 不需要了,谢谢。我们现在要结账了。

A: Yes, sir. How would you like to pay for it, sir?

A: 好的,先生,您打算怎样付账?

B: I d like to put it on my hotel bill.

B: 我想把账记在账单上。

A: What s your room number?

A: 请问您的房间是多少?

B: 1208.

B: 1208。

A: Would you sign your name and room number on the bill, please? And could you show me your room key?

A: 请在账单上写上您的名字和房间号码,并且请出示房钥匙,好吗?

B: Of course, here you are.

B: 当然,给你。

A: Could you just sign here, please?

A: 您在这签字好吗?

B: Sure.

B: 可以。

A: Thank you. How did you like your meal? Would you please give us your comment about our service and dishes?

A: 谢谢。请问您觉得饮食怎样?能否对我们的服务或菜式提供宝贵的意见?

B: Very nice, very delicious.

B: 非常好,非常美味。

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