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A: Good morning. ROSE restaurant. This is Mary speaking. What can I do for you?

A: 早上好!玫瑰餐厅,我是玛丽,我能为您做些什么?

B: Yes, I d like to reserve a table for tonight.

B: 是的,我想订今晚的位。

A: Certainly sir. For how many persons?

A: 当然可以,先生。请问有几位呢?

B: Six.

B: 6位。

A: At what time would you like it?

A: 什么时间?

B: 7∶30 tonight.

B: 今晚7点半。

A: Would you like to have buffet or a la carte?

A: 您喜欢自助餐呢还是点菜?

B: Buffet.


A: Yes, sir. May I have your name and telephone number?

A: 好的,先生。请问我能知道您的名字和电话号码吗?

B: It is Smith and my number is 12345678.

B: 史密斯,我的号码是12345678。

A: Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. A table for six at 7∶30 tonight. And you d like to have buffet. Is that right?

A: 非常感谢,史密斯先生。您订了今晚7点半,6人位的自助餐,对吗?

B: Yes. Thank you.

B: 是的,谢谢!

A: We will hold the table for fifteen minutes. And we look forward to seeing you.

A: 您的订位超过15分钟将会被取消,我们期待您的到来。

B: I see you, bye.

B: 明白,再见。

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