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A: Where can I make a complaint?

A: 我该去哪儿投诉?

B: What s the matter, madam?

B: 怎么了,女士?

A: I bought this dress here. It shrank and the color ran when I washed it.

A: 我在这儿买的这条裙子。我洗的时候缩水了,还掉色。

B: Can I have your receipt?

B: 给我看一下您的收据好吗?

A: Here you are.

A: 给你。

B: Did you wash it according to the instructions?

B: 您是按照说明洗的吗?

A: Of course.

A: 当然是了。

B: In that case, we can exchange it for another one.

B: 那样的话,我们给您换一条。

A: I d like to have my money back. I m afraid the new dress will shrink again.

A: 我想让你们退钱给我。我担心新裙子还会缩水。

B: OK. You can get your money back at the service counter.

B: 好的。您可以在服务台拿到退款。

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