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S: Have you found anything you like,miss?小姐,有你喜欢的吗?

C: Not yet. Is there anything in particular for autumn wear?我还没看到。有没有特别一点的秋装?

S: Yes,we have some that are great-looking. They are all designer wear. A lot of people are buying them now. I'd say they are selling like hot cakes.有,我们有一些非常好看,而且都是名家设计的服饰。现在有很多人正在抢购。销路好的不得了。

C: Why is that so?为什么会这样?

S: Well,I'll tell you why. The manufacturers that make these sweaters are going to amalgamate with one another. They are clearing out their stocks respectively,so they give a special discount to us.嗯,我来告诉您为什么。这些毛衣的制造商准备相互合并。现在正分别要清仓存货,因此给我们特别的折扣。



S: There is no difference in the goods,but a substantial difference in the price. If you buy now,you get that difference.这些货品是一样的,但价格差别很大。如果你现在买,就能享有折扣。

C: How much can I save if I buy now?如果我现在买,能省多少钱呢?

S: You can save as much as 30 percent.能省百分之三十。

C: When does this special sale end?这个特卖到什么时候截止?

S: It will last till the stock clears out,and I understand there is not much left over.到存货售完为止,据我所知,所剩不多了。

C: Well then,I think it's good ideaa to get one now.那么,我想现在买一个是不错的主意。

S: Here,I'll show them to you.在这边。我拿给你看。

C: Hey,that's what I've been looking for.啊!我一直要找的就是那个。

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