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A: Can I help you?

A: 要买什么吗?

B: Yes, I would like to buy a pair of sports shoes.

B: 是的,我想买一双运动鞋。

A: What size are you?

A: 你穿多大码?

B: 38.

B: 38码。

A: What colour would you like?

A: 你想要什么颜色?

B: I d like black.

B: 我想要黑色。

A: How about this pair?

A: 这双怎么样?

B: They are cute. Let me have a try.

B: 很可爱,让我试试吧。

A: Does it suit you?

A: 合适吗?

B: Sorry, it is a bit too tight. Do you have a bigger size?

B: 对不起,太紧了。你还有大号吗?

A: Sorry, they are out of stock. What about this pair?

A: 对不起,已经脱销了。这双怎么样?

B: Thanks, I don t like the style.

B: 谢谢,我不喜欢这个款式。

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