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A: Hello. May I help you?

A: 你好,我可以帮你忙吗?

B: Well, I m looking for some winter clothes. And I noticed you have a preseason sale on all your winter apparel.


A: Yes, everything is 25percent off.

A: 是的,所有的衣服都打七五折。

B: Do you have any skirts that will match with this sweater?

B: 你们有没有什么裙子可以配这件毛衣?

A: Sure. We have both skirt and slack that would go well with the sweater I especially like this flowery skirt. It s very much in style this year.

A: 有。我们有裙子和裤子都可以配那件毛衣、我特别喜欢这件花裙。这是今年很流行的样式。

B: I don t think that shade of green will go with my complexion. Do you have any of those skirts in black or tangy?

B: 我认为那种绿色不配我的肤色。那种裙子你们有黑色或是棕褐色的吗?

A: Look on the rack to your right.

A: 看看你右边的架子。

B: Oh yes. Just show me where the fitting rooms are now. I can t wait to try this on.

B: 噢,有。现在你只要告诉我试衣间在哪里。我急着要试穿。

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