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The Ancient Art of Feng Shui literally translated to mean “Wind & Water” has been practiced in various forms throughout the World and is estimated to be between 3,000 to 5,000 Years Old. Feng Shui seeks to achieve a Balance, Harmony, Peace and Prosperity in your life through simple but effective changes in your Surroundings.

Feng Shui Consultants believe that your Surroundings have a deep and profound impact on your life in all aspects and create an environment that supports your dreams and aspirations by changing the Flow of Energy into a positive one.Feng shui experts believe that the earth and everything on it is composed of one or more of the five basic elements:water, wood, fire, earth and metal. They are represented by the colors:black, green, red, yellow and white. These elements will create harmony if grouped in a positive, creative sequence. Thus water nourishes wood, wood feeds fire; fire burns to make earth and from earth comes metal.

Bad feng shui results when the elements exist in a destructive arrangement. Water, for example, destroys fire so it would be bad feng shui to have these elements next to each other. Metal and fire, or earth and wood are also undesirable combinations. The feng shui consultant examines the house, both inside and out, for possible relationships between conflicting elements and tries to correct them.

Of course it is not necessary to have the actual elements in the house. No one has a pile of earth in the living room or a fire in the bathroom, but the elements may still be there symbolically. A yellow or brown sofa would be an earth element. In some cases the symbolism is more obvious:the kitchen stove is a fire element, the sink water.

Fire and water are conflicting elements, so having the stove and sink side by side would be bad feng shui. Does this mean that you have to remodel your kitchen if you have this arrangement? Not necessarily. You could hang an earth symbol, a green pot holder for example, between the two to create tranquillity.

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