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T: Excuse me.打扰一下。

A: Yes, CanI help you?有什么需要吗?

T: I just want to ask you something. I am a school student and I am going to study in England, but I'm not very clear about what to do after I arrive.我就想问一些事情。我是一名学生,将要去英国学习,但我现在还不太知道到了之后该干些什么。

A: I see. This is your first time to study aboard, isn't it?我知道了,这是你第一次去国外学习吧?

T: Yes, so I'm very nervous and don't know how to adapt to the new environment.是的,所以我很紧张,不知道怎么适应新环境。

A: I've met many students going aborad for study before, so maybe I can help you.我以前见过很多到国外学习的学生。所以,可能会对你有所帮助。

T: That's great.那太好了。

A: Are you going alone?你是一个人去吗?

T: Yes, I'm going there for two years.是的,我要去那里两年。

A: I suggest you first get familiar with the block you will live in and every street around so that you will know where to buy some articles of everyday use.我建议你先熟悉一下你要住的社区和周围的每一条街道,这样你就能知道你要到哪里买一些日用品。

T: Yes, I'm going to live in a family house, which I think will help me to get used to some English customs and learn English quickly.嗯,对,我要住进一个家庭里,这样能帮我尽快熟悉一些英国的习俗并且快点学习英语。

A: Then you should go to bank to deposit some money and get your bank cards and go to school to make your student card, library card and other credentials.然后你应该去银行存点钱,办张卡,去学校办学生证,图书证,和其他一些证件。

T: Oh, right and I should go around the campus to get myself adapted.哦,对我还应该逛逛校园熟悉一下。

A: Then you are supposed to select some courses and make some choices of your extracur-ricular activities.然后你应该选一些课程和一些课外活动。

T: Right, it's a serious thing.是的,这是需要认真做的。

A: Don't forget to inform your families and friends if you change your contact and address so that they will get in touch with you if you are in trouble or something.如果你更改了联系方式和住址的话不要忘了通知你的家人和朋友,这样你遇到麻烦的时候他们能尽快联系你。

T: Yes.是的。

A: Then do something you like, such as making some friends and doing some visits to surrounding cities.然后可以做一些你喜欢做的事了,例如交交朋友,到周围城市去参观之类的。

T: And I can taste all delicious food there. Ha.我还可以尝尝英国的美食。哈哈。

A: It's great. Now you are not that nervous but excited, aren't you?这太好了。现在你不那么紧张了吧,应该兴奋了吧?

T: Yes, thank you so much. It's very kind of you.是的,太感谢你了,你真是太好了。

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