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A: Can I help you, sir?先生,有什么需要吗?

T: I feel kind of uncomfortable.我感觉有点不舒服。

A: What's wrong exactly?具体是哪里不舒服呢?

T: My ears are ache.我耳朵有点疼。

A: I see. The plane is descending, please swallow or chew chewing gum as I said.我知道了,飞机正在下降,请按照我之前说的,做吞咽的动作或嚼口香糖。

T: Oh, sorry, I didn't hear you before.哦,不好意思,我之前没有听见。

A: It doesn't matter. You will be better after a while.没关系的,一会你就会好一点了。

T: But why should we do such things when the plane is descending?但是飞机降落时我们为什么要这样做呢?

A: Because when the plane is descending, the air pressure will change with the altitude, and the pressure inside and outside your ear will be changing very rapidly, so we should swallow or chew the chewing gum to balance the pressure to reduce the harm to your body.因为当飞机下降时,气压会随着高度的变化而变化,而我们耳朵内外气压也在发生变化,所以我们要做吞咽的动作或嚼口香糖来平衡内外的气压来减少对身体的伤害。

T: I see. But I don't have chewing gum.我知道了,但是我没有口香糖。

A: I will bring you some very soon.我马上就拿来一些给您。

T: OK, thank you.好的,谢谢你。

T: Can I listen to some music at the same time?我能同时听点音乐吗?

A: Yes, you can listen to the public music on the plane, but please don't wear the earphones or else they will aggravate your illness.是的,您可以听飞机上的公共音乐,但是请不要戴上耳机,因为这样会加重您耳朵不舒服的情况。

T: Alright. Thank you.好的,谢谢你。

A: You are welcome. I'll bring the chewing gum right now.不客气。我现在就拿口香糖过来。

T: OK.好的。

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