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J:Peter, are you feeling any better?皮特,你现在感觉好些了吗?

P:Thanks for asking Jessica. I am feeling quite a bit better now.谢谢关心,杰西卡,我现在感觉好点儿了。

J:I am glad to hear that.很高兴听到这个消息。

P:But I hate being sick!It was only a cold.但是我讨厌生病!这次只是感冒。

J:How did you get that cold in the first place?你最初是怎么感冒的呢?

P:I normally get a cold when the season changes from winter to summer or from summer to winter.我通常会在冬转夏或夏转冬的时候感冒。

J:You mean it follows a certain pattern?你是说这是规律吗?

P:Yes, it always happens. So I am not surprised about getting this cold now.是的,通常是这样。所以这次感冒,我并不感到意外。

J:So what do you usually do to fight the cold?你通常是怎么赶走感冒的?

P:I normally take cold tablets and rest a lot. Also I drink flat lemonade as well as water.我通常会吃些感冒药、多休息。除了喝水,我还会喝些柠檬汁。

J:You are experienced. As for me, every time I come down with a cold, I just leave it there.你经验挺丰富的。对我来说,每次感冒,我都不管它。

P:That is not the best way to do things……I was lucky though because I still hadsome medicine from when I was sick in February.这不是比较好的办法。幸运的是,我还有2月份感冒时剩下的药。

J:But I do sleep more, as I believe, sleep is the best medicine.不过我会睡的很多,我觉得睡觉是比较好的药物。

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