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A:Fill it up, please.请帮我加满油。

B:Premium or regular, Madam?小姐,你要特级的还是普通的?

A:Premium, please. Could you check my tires, too?I think they need air.特级的。你可以帮我检查一些轮胎吗?我想它们需要打气。

B:No problem, Madam. Should I check the air in the spare tire as well?没问题,小姐。我要检查备用胎有没有气吗?

A:I don't think so. It's brand-new.我想不用。它是新的。

B:Should I clean the wind shield for you?我可以为你清洗挡风玻璃吗?

A:Yes, please!I also need you to check the oil on the radiator.是的,请!我也需要你帮我检查散热器的油。

B:All right, Madam. It's OK.There is hardly any water in the radiator.It's dangerous, Madam!You could break down because of the heat, you know.好的,小姐。好了。散热器里几乎没有水了。这是很危险的,小姐!你知道的,你的车可能因为过热而抛锚。

A:Please fill it up with water, then.那么,请加满水。

B:Anything to say, Madam?小姐,你还有什么要说的吗?

A:Do you take credit card?你们可以用信用卡付钱吗?

B:No, we don't. I'm sorry.Its 30 dollars and 10 cents in total.不,我们没有。我很抱歉。总共是30.1美元。

A:30 dollars and 10 cents. Here you go.30.1美元。给你。

B:Thank you, Madam. Have a nice drive!谢谢你,小姐。驾车愉快!

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