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A:I'm ready for a new hair-do. Do you have any suggestions?我准备好要换发型了。你有什么建议吗?

B:Have you taken a look at any of the new styles lately?你有看过最近的新发型吗?

A:Yes, I bought a magazine to show you. I like this one.是的,我买了一本杂志要指给你看。我喜欢这个。

B:Oh, that's pretty. Do you want to keep your hair this long or do you want to take it shorter?I think you would look cute with the short hair. Perhaps you could go even shorter than the picture.噢,它很漂亮。你的头发要保留这么长还是想剪短一点?我认为你剪短发会很好看。或许你应该剪得比照片上的还要短。

A:I'll leave it up to you. Like I said, I'm ready for a change.你决定。正如我所说的,我已经准备好要改变一下了。

B:Okay. You should really think about getting some highlights put in too.好的。你真的应该考虑做一下挑染。

A:Do you think that would look good?I'm worried that it'll make my hair look unnatural.你觉得那样好看吗?我担心那样做会使我的头发看起来不自然。

B:No, it won't. The highlights are very subtle.We can do a little bit this time.If you like it, we can do a little bit more next time. Otherwise, the highlights should grow up in about 4 weeks.不,不会的。挑染是非常细微的。这次我们可以稍微染一下。如果你喜欢,下次可以染多一点。否则,挑染过的头发在4个星期内又会长长了。

A:Okay, just do what you want. I count on you.By the way, how much do you charge for a shampoo in set?好的,就按你说的做。我指望你了。顺便问一下,你们洗头发的收费是多少?

B:$60 in total.一共60美元。

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