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A:Hi, Mark. I know you are an expert in skin care.马克,你好。我知道你是皮肤护理老师。

B:Oh, I wouldn't say that!But I do know something. So how can I help you?噢,我没有那样说。但是我懂一些。那么,我可以怎么帮你?

A:I think I have oily skin. And there are always small bumps here and there on my face. How can I get rid of them?They are really irritating!我想我是油性皮肤。我脸上经常到处都有一些小肿块。我要怎么去除它们?它们真的很烦人!

B:Well. I would suggest that you wash your face often.Every night you should rinse your face with lukewarm water. Then pat it dry with a clean towel.Make sure you don't rub it dry.Then apply this cream to your face.呃,我建议你经常洗脸。每天晚上你应该用温水洗脸。然后用干净的毛巾轻拍到干了。要确保不要擦干。然后把这个乳霜涂到脸上。

A:Oh, this cream?噢,这个乳霜?

B:Yeah, it's pretty effective in wiping out pore-clogging dirt and oil. It rids your face of dead cells and helps stimulate circulation.是的,它对清除阻塞毛孔的粉尘和油脂很有效。它可以去除脸上的死细胞,而且有助于促进循环。


B:OH, just use a small amount on the oily areas. Also, don't rub it hard, just dab it lightly.噢,只在油腻的地方涂上少量就行了。也不要太用力擦,轻拍就行了。

A:I'll keep that in mind!我会牢记于心的!

B:Of course. Also I would suggest you get a facial every 4 to 6 weeks for a deep cleaning.当然。我也建议你4~6天做个美容,来个深层的清洁。

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