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Todd:Are you OK?你还好吗?

May:I'm fine. I'm just so touched by the sad story.我没事。我只是被那个悲伤的故事感动了。

Todd:So I can say now that you must have enjoyed the opera. Which scene is your favorite?那么我敢说你一定很喜欢这场歌剧。你最喜欢哪一幕呢?

May:I love them all. But if I had to name one as the best, I would say it's the ending.我都喜欢。但是如果一定要说一幕最喜欢的,我觉得是结尾的那一幕。

Todd:What's it about?You know, I couldn't help falling asleep.它是怎样的?你知道,我忍不住睡着了,所以没有看到。

May:Did you?I didn't notice that. But still you should know it, for you have seen it with Laura before.是吗?我没有注意到。但是你还是应该知道的啊,因为你以前和罗拉一起看过。

Todd:I guess I've done the same thing last time I was here with her, too. I mean falling asleep. For me, this one is not that attractive.我猜我上次和她来这里的时候也做了相同的事情。我是指睡着的事。对我来讲,这出戏不是那么有吸引力。

May:Then I doubt if you like operas.那么我就怀疑你是否喜欢歌剧了。

Todd:Yes. I like Carmen very much.But I don't mind if you want to tell me about this one.喜欢。我非常喜欢歌剧“卡门”。但是我也不介意你告诉我这部歌剧的内容。

May:OK, then. The man was old and he was visiting his wife's grave, with a rose in his hand. When he got there, he saw someone already put a rose on her grave.那好吧。那个男人老了,他去他妻子的坟前,手拿一枝玫瑰,但是当他到那里的时候,他发现已经有人在她的坟前放了一枝玫瑰。

Todd:Very impressive. And I do like the leading actress who has an amazing voice.非常感人啊。我确实很喜欢那个女主角,她的声音非常棒。

May:Me, too. There was always a good round of applause every time she sings.我也喜欢她。她每次演唱的时候,都会有一阵特别热烈的掌声。

Todd:Yes, the applause!That was what kept waking me up during the show.对了,掌声。就是它在演出的过程中不停地把我吵醒。

May:And it's been such a faultless performance with the perfect lighting, and music. Just amazing!这是一场完美的演出,配有完美的灯光和音乐。简直太精彩了。

Todd:No doubt it's not a simple thing to put on a“phantom show”.毫无疑问,要上演一场“幽灵秀”一定不是一件简单的事情。


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