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Clerk:Good evening. May I help you?晚上好。有什么需要吗?

May:Good evening. I'm looking for a pair of contact lenses.晚上好。我想配一副隐形眼镜。

Clerk:All right. Do you know your eyesight?好的。您知道自己的视力吗?

May:300. I just had my eyes tested last week, so it should be precise.300度。我上周刚刚做了视力检查,所以这应该是准确的度数。

Clerk:Did you wear contact lenses before?您以前戴过隐形眼镜吗?

May:No. But I'd like to try.Will it be troublesome to wear contact lenses?没有。但是我想试试。戴隐形眼镜会很麻烦吗?

Clerk:No. They are more convenient than ordinary glasses.But contact lenses are not suitable for everyone.Individuals with dry or sensitive eyes lost their ability to wear contact lenses.不是。它们比普通眼镜戴起来会舒服很多。但并不适合每个人。眼睛很干或者眼睛过度敏感的人是不适合戴隐形眼镜的。

May:Luckily, I don't have those problems. My eyes may be a bit weak, but they are healthy.真幸运,我没有那些问题。我的视力有点差,但是眼睛还是健康的。

Clerk:Good for you. Here's a selection of lenses.Please take your time to have a look and pick out some you like.They all have descriptions on their packing boxes.那很好。这儿有很多镜片。您慢慢看,挑一副自己喜欢的吧。包装盒上都有它们相应的介绍。

May:I see. Oh, I like this blue pair.May I try them on?知道了。哦,我喜欢这副蓝色的。我可以试戴吗?

Clerk:Sure. Let me bring you a new pair.Please wait for a while.(The clerk brings a pair of blue contact lenses.)Here they are.Sit in front of the mirror please and try them.行啊。我去给您拿一副新的。请稍等。(店员拿来了一副蓝色的隐形眼镜。)拿来眼镜戴起来会舒服很多。但并不适合每个人。眼睛很干或者眼睛过度敏感的人是不适合戴隐形眼镜的。

May:Luckily, I don't have those problems. My eyes may be a bit weak, but they are healthy.真幸运,我没有那些问题。我的视力有点差,但是眼睛还是健康的。

Clerk:Good for you. Here's a selection of lenses.Please take your time to have a look and pick out some you like.They all have descriptions on their packing boxes.那很好。这儿有很多镜片。您慢慢看,挑一副自己喜欢的吧。包装盒上都有它们相应的介绍。

May:I see. Oh, I like this blue pair.May I try them on?知道了。哦,我喜欢这副蓝色的。我可以试戴吗?

Clerk:Sure. Let me bring you a new pair.Please wait for a while.(The clerk brings a pair of blue contact lenses.)Here they are.Sit in front of the mirror please and try them.行啊。我去给您拿一副新的。请稍等。(店员拿来了一副蓝色的隐形眼镜。)拿来

May:I will. Thank you very much.我会的。非常感谢。

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