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Todd:I'm checking out now. Can I have my bill, please?我现在想结账。请给我账单,好吗?

Waiter:Sure. What's your room number, sir?好的,先生。您的房间号是多少?

Todd:It's 8736. Here is my key card.8736。这是我的门卡。

Waiter:A minute, please. It's 6212 Yuan all together.Tax included.请稍等。一共是6212元。含税。

Todd:Can I pay with traveler's check?我可以用旅行支票支付吗?

Waiter:Sure. Can I have your passport, please?当然可以,我可以看一下您的护照吗?

Todd:Here you are.给你。

Waiter:Thanks. Are you satisfied with your stay here with us, sir?谢谢。先生,您在这里住得满意吗?

Todd:Very much. The room is cozy and the service is jolly good.By the way,could you deliver my luggage to the airport in advance?非常满意。房间很舒适,服务很周到。顺便问一下,你们可以把我的行李送到机场吗?

Waiter:Sure. It will be taken care of, sir.Which flight do you take?当然可以。我们会办好的。您乘坐的是哪趟班机?

Todd:Flight 17. And my luggage should be delivered there by 4 o'clock.第17号班机。我的行李需要在4点之前送到。

Waiter:Got it, sir. It'd be great to see you again, sir.没问题,先生。希望能再次见到您。

Todd:Thank you.谢谢。

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