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When I was growing up, my mother had a ring she never took off. It was the only ring I ever saw her wear during my childhood.

She wore it when she swept, when she mopped and when she washed clothes on the rubborad.She didn't really have any other jewelry, and, in fact, I remember my father saying that he didn't even buy her a ring when they were married. He hadn't thought about it, and during the ceremony, they had borrowed her brother's ring.

The years passed. My father, who had come from Mexico in the 1920s to try to earn a living, working long, long hours at the service stations he operated. And my mother, who was also from Mexico, toiled at home, keeping house for her husband and eight youngsters. With his hard work and her thriftiness, they sent their first son off to college, then another child and then another. The older children helped with the expenses of the younger ones.

A few years before she died, she told me that she wanted her jewelry to go to her granddaughters. And when she died it was done.

Then I discovered it: her first ring. Now I could identify the metal. The ring was a thin, fragile thing by now. It had been worn so long that the copper had become unattached to the circle. Its value was naught.

To me, it symbolized the sacrifices my mother had made for us and the values that she lived. How many years had she worn it? How many times had she denied herself so that we might succeed? Why did she save this ring when it seemed worthless? Was it a symbol to her, too?

When I look at that ring, I see the priceless jewel of my mother's strength and the brilliance of the love that she showed us every day of her life.







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