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1. The winter cold hung in the air like a frozen dinosaur trying to thaw from his glacier and walk across the earth. Breath iced like a tiny morning mist upon a meandering river. The sounds of the city rising and spilling into silence as the night began to claim its citizens for sleep.

2. Blowing on gloved hands that seemed to have little effect on cold hands that ached with chill.Long hours hanging pressed clothes, pulling tickets and ringing up the customers. The last of the packaged hot chocolate gone and only the longing need for home and a pot pie to warm her.

3. It was payday and she cashed her check. Two Santas and one Salvation Army captain and she were minus ten dollars but what did it matter? She had a place to sleep, something decent to eat, and she had Drew.

4. Drew with his kindness, his caring and his humor to lighten her day. Thanksgiving was nigh and they were collecting early for the hungry and the children that would have no Christmas without them. She was so much more lucky than most of them but perhaps not as lucky as those that scurried in the Wednesday night sleet, shopping early before the pickings became slim. Life was not always easy but sometimes it could always be safe.

5. She had Drew, and Smat, the ugly little terrier that nobody wanted. She had comfort and warmth in the apartment. She had dinner for tomorrow thawing in the small turkey and the little Thanksgiving bonus from her boss.

6. But most of all, she had love. It was the most important of all.

1. 冬天的寒冷在空气中纠缠不去,就像被冰冻的恐龙想要从冰河里解冻出来走到地上一样。呵气就像蜿蜒的河面上微薄的晨雾,城市的喧嚣升起又归于沉静,夜晚开始宣布它的臣民应该入睡了。

2. 往带着手套的手上呵气好像也没有什么效果,冻僵的手冷得发痛。工作的那几个小时很漫长,熨平的衣服要挂起来,标签要拆下来,还要给顾客打电话。最后一个盒装的热巧克力喝完了,只渴望着回家,吃一块热馅饼来暖和一下。

3. 今天是发薪日,她把支票兑换成了现金。路遇两个圣诞老人和一个救世军领队,她的钱减少了十元,但这又怎样呢?她有地方睡觉,有像样的东西吃,而且她还有德鲁。

4. 德鲁的亲切、爱心和幽默总能照亮她的每一天。感恩节近了,他们早早地开始为那些饥饿的人筹款,孩子们过圣诞节也少不了他们。她要比这些人幸运得多,当然可能比不上那些在周三雪夜赶着去购物的人,他们要早早把东西买好以免货物变少而无法挑选。生活并不总是很容易,但总是很安全。

5. 她有德鲁,还有那条丑得没人要的小猎狗斯迈特;她有公寓里的舒适和温暖;她有明天的晚餐(小火鸡正在解冻着呢);她还有老板给的一小笔感恩节奖金。

6. 而且她还有爱,这是所有事情中最重要的。

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