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But there was a time when I wasn't sure I was ready to be a mother at all—let alone be Andrew's mother.I was 17 years old when I became pregnant.My high school sweetheart, Jim, and I had been married right after graduation, and although we both wanted children, we worried about becoming parents too soon.But we loved this baby from the moment we learned I was pregnant.

So as my stomach grew bigger, we imagined cheering our child on at Little League games and watching him toss his cap in the air at his high school graduation.Like most parents, we dreamed our child would be the smartest, strongest, best-looking kid on the block.

Then, in my eighth month, I suddenly started bleeding, and Jim rushed me to the hospital.

Doctors gave me drugs to stop my labor, but then a sonogram showed my baby was unusually small.“It could be Down's syndrome, ”they told me gently.

Jim and I cried and prayed.“God, please make our baby all right.”Tests showed our baby not only had Down's syndrome, but he also had a blockage in his intestinal tract that required immediate surgery.Even if he survived the stressful birth, he easily might die on the operating table.

I lay in my hospital bed hugging my belly.From the way doctors described Down's syndrome, I knew my baby would never play Little League, go to a regular school or have a family of his own.He's always be different, slower, unable to do all the things we had dreamed of for him.

Just being a mother was a big enough challenge.To me, it was the most important job in the world, and I desperately wanted to do it right.Before I learned my baby had problems, I'd worried whether I would give my child the right mix of love, understanding and discipline.

Now, that worry became panic.I'm not sure I can handle this! I agonized. But then the doctor asked, “Jennifer, do you want us to do everything to save your baby? ”

For a moment I just stared at him.“Do everything? ”his words echoed in my mind.What is he saying? I thought.And as it suddenly clicked in, a fierce love unlike any I'd ever felt rose up in me.

Of course I want them to do everything they can for my baby! I thought, as a huge wave of protectiveness washed over me.This was my child—how could I want anything else?

“I'm going to have this baby, ”I told the doctor tearfully.“And I'm going to love him—no matter what.”

Andrew is five now, and he constantly amazes me.He's going to a school and making friends, and I don't worry that other kids will tease him—they adore him.

Sometimes my heart still breaks when I think of the things he'll never do. But then I remember all the wonderful things he has done, and all the things he will do in his own good time.And I know that with courage and love, you can do just about anything.
















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