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1. I’ve got a deep secret few people understand and even fewer will admit to sharing. It's time to tell the truth: I love the rain, deeply and passionately and more than the sun. At least I live in the right place, famous for its damp weather and spawning its own genuine rainforest. I can't imagine living anywhere else than the Pacific Northwest. The sun shines so infrequently that my friends forget where they put their sunglasses. Gloomy clouds cause many people around here to suffer from seasonal affective disorder. Yet I welcome the rain.

2. Seattleites will say they like how rain keeps the city green, how clean the air tastes afterwards.My real reason for enjoying the rain is steeped in pure selfishness when it’s mucky outside, I don’t have to do anything. I can spend the afternoon curled up reading, build a fire and make a big pot of spiced tea. I can sleep in late, waking up occasionally to hear soothing patter on the roof, water racing down the gutter. Nobody expects me to leave my house or do anythingoverly productive. Maybe I'll invite a few friends over to watch an old movie or play a board game. Friends’ expectations are low and easy to meet.

3. Summer in Seattle is beautiful but exhausting. The sunny, gorgeous weather and blue skies draw Seattleites from their cozy little homes, ready to dry out and have fun. People go hiking,biking, canoeing. Folks work in their gardens, wash their cars and attend outdoor concerts in the park all in the same day! The effort involved to throw a party ratchets up several notches,as people host barbecues and picnics and water-skiing parties.

4. It’s a sin around here to not thoroughly enjoy every moment of every golden day. It’s embarrassing to answer, “Did you get out and enjoy the sunshine this weekend?” with “No, I stayed inside.” Co-workers frown and exchange suspicious looks; apparently I’m one of those rain-loving slugs. I tried lying, but my pale complexion gave me away.

5. Another mark in rain’s favor is that my body doesn't betray me when it’s cold and damp outside. Throughout the winter, people wear several layers, with perhaps several extra pounds here and there. In June I dig out my shorts to discover my thighs resemble cottage cheese. I dread buying a swimsuit, as consecutive horror and humiliation make me cringe in the dressing room.

6. Even my taste buds prefer the rain. When it storms outside, it's time for steamy hot chocolate or even soothing toddy. People devour hot, hearty meals, with lots of potatoes and savory sauces. This type of eating evaporates when the sun comes out; suddenly everyone offers salads and ice water and expects it to be satisfying.

7. It’s time to publicly acknowledge that I love the rain, how it transforms my house into a cozy caves where I can spend the afternoon cooking and dreaming. It seems nobody else will admit to a love affair with the rain, nobody else will groan when it’s hot outside and join me in a rain dance.

8. When the sun comes out I do greet it with a smile, slipping sunglasses to my purse and pulling a tank top out of my closet. Yet my comfortable sweaters and warm slippers beckon,making me wish for another wet, chilly afternoon. When the rain returns, I will grin even more. Am I the only one?

1. 我有一个极少被人理解甚至无人愿意分享的秘密。现在应该说出来了:我爱雨,深情而热烈,甚至胜过对太阳的爱。最起码我住在适宜之地,以潮湿的天气和产生自己的雨林而出名。除了太平洋西北部,我想不出自己还能住在哪儿。阳光如此罕见,以至我的朋友们都忘了把太阳镜放到哪里去了。乌云密布的天空让很多在这儿生活的人都遭受季节性的情绪波动,然而我却欢迎雨的到来。

2. 西雅图人会说他们喜欢雨使这个城市变绿,空气变得清新。我喜欢雨的真正原因纯粹是出于自我考虑。在外面泥泞的时候,我可以什么都不干,整个下午蜷缩在家里看书,再生盆火,泡一大壶香茶。我可以睡到很晚,时而醒来倾听屋檐上柔和的拍打,水顺着水槽往下流的声音。没人要我离开房子或去干一些超负荷的劳动。也许我会邀上几个朋友看一部老电影,或者玩玩棋盘游戏。朋友的期望不高,极易满足。

3. 西雅图的夏天如此美丽却令人疲惫不堪。晴朗的天气和蔚蓝的天空吸引着西雅图人走出安逸舒适的小家,准备去干燥的户外寻找乐趣。他们去远足、骑车、划独木舟。他们修整自家的花园、洗车、去公园听露天音乐会,所有这些都在同一天做完!在他们举行烤肉、野餐和参加水上滑雪派对时,他们会把派对分成几个等级一步步推进。

4. 在这样绚丽多彩的日子不出去尽情享受这美妙的时刻好像不合情理。当别人问“你周末出去享受阳光了吗?”,你如果回答“没有,我呆在家里了。”是很令人尴尬的。同事们皱起眉头并相互交换猜疑的表情,很明显我就是那种喜欢下雨天的懒蛋儿。我试图撒谎,但我苍白的脸色总会出卖我。

5. 我喜欢雨的另一个原因是,当室外天气较冷且潮湿时,我的身体不会跟我作对。整个冬天,人们都穿着好几层衣服,可能这儿那儿的多重了几磅。在六月份我就翻出了短裤,结果却发现我的大腿就像白软干酪似的。我害怕买游泳衣,由于接二连三令人恐怖和丢面子的情形发生,使得我总是躲在更衣室里。

6. 甚至我的味蕾也喜欢雨天,外面狂风暴雨时,正是吃热巧克力或者喝轻柔的棕榈汁的好时机。人们吞吃着丰盛的热肉、许多土豆以及风味极佳的调味品。等太阳出来了就不使用这种吃法了,猛然间每个人都吃沙拉以及冰水,认为这就能使人满意了。

7. 现在我该公开宣布了:我喜欢雨,是它把我的家变成了一个温暖而舒适的小窝。我可以花整个下午的时间边做饭边胡思乱想。似乎没有其他人愿意承认喜欢雨,但在外面很热时,也没有人为加入我的祈雨舞会而感到犹豫。

8. 太阳出来时我一样会笑脸相迎,把太阳镜塞进包里,从壁橱中取出紧身背心。然而我舒适的羊毛衫和温暖的拖鞋又在召唤我了,让我期待有雨而寒冷的下午再次到来。雨又回来时我甚至更为高兴。我是惟一一个这样的人吗?

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