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I used to feel like my life was stressful and hard until a life-changing event happened to my mom’s best friend, Anna. She was put in a life-or-death situation and remained strong. Her strength made me want to be like that in my daily life.One night Anna was coming out of her office building when a man attacked her. He beat her with a rock, took her car keys, and threw her in her car. She told me that she was praying for God to help her the whole time. She knew she would not give up easily, but she also knew they were driving toward the river. The man didn’t stop until he absolutely had to. With God’s strength, she jumped out of the car and got help.

Anna is not only my mom’s friend but also like another mother to me and my sister and brother. When we heard about the attack, we were devastated but so relieved she was alive. My mom became more protective of me, always wanting to know where I was going. I’d never worried about someone attacking or kidnapping me, but now I am more aware of my surroundings and realize that not everyone is as nice as I might think.



Anna stayed strong and optimistic during one of the worst possible situations. Many would have given up, but she didn’t. I have so much respect for her and wish I could be more like her. I have never been through anything like that, but seeing how she responded gave me a desire to be strong and optimistic in my life.

Now, when I think of stress and difficulties, it is not about little everyday problems. Anna truly inspired me not to worry about the small things. She may not know it, but she made me want to be a better person. That is what matters to me: motivation to become a stronger, better individual.



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