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Can you swim? Do you like swimming? Yes? Well,how can you learn to swim? I think the best way is to go into the water and learn. I’m afraid you‘ll never learn to swim just by reading books about swimming or looking at others swimming. It’s the same with the English study. We must practice,practice and practice.

Listening and speaking are very important for beginners. The children in English-speaking countries first listen toradio. You may just understand a few words.

It doesn‘t matter. Just be relaxed,try to catch every word.

Somebody may be a good listener. But he dare not speak. He’s afraid of making mistakes. You know we sometimes make mistakes when we speak Chinese. Don‘t be afraid. We must be brave. If you really want to learn English well. You must try to speak with everyone so long as he knows English. Whether you know him or not is not important . When there’s nobody to talk with,you can talk to yourself in”English“. It‘s interesting and also a good way topractice your spoken English. Remember, the more you speak,the fewer mistakes you’ll make.

Reading and writing are more important for senior school students. First we must choose the books we‘re interested in. A lot of reading will improve your language sense. This is the most important.

Keep writing English diaries. We can also write English articles. You may even post them to English magazines. Don’t be afraid of failure. Failure is the mother of success.

Easier said than done. Well,let‘s do more practice from now on. I’m sure you‘ll learn English well.


To complete anything in life,let us not forget that we must never give up. To learn our lessons in school,we must work hard and not give up whenever we come across anything difficult. We shall find many of our lessons very hard,but let us remember that the harder they are,the better they will be for us if we keep trying and learn everything well.

Some of us are ready to give up when there is a hard example in math class. We say,”I can’t do this.“We will never be able to do it if we think in that way. Saying “I can‘t”never does anything worthwhile, but say“I’ll try”completes wonders.

Let us remember that we shall have problems throughout our lives. They are in everyone‘s way. If we have a hard lesson today,let us work hard to learn it well. Then we shall be prepared for a hard one tomorrow. If we learn to master hard lessons in school,it will prepare us for the hard things that we shall meet in life,when our school days are over.


“Time is money.”This saying means that time is very valuable. But time is more valuable than money. The money we have lost can be gained again but the time we have wasted cannot be regained. Moreover, sometimes people can exist without money, but nothing can be done without time,just as no one can live on without air.

Despite being so valuable,time is often neglected by men. Since time is aninvisible thing, men often waste theirtime unconsciously. Without anything to do, they may gossip from morning till night. Man can live only at most to about 100 years. It seems fairly long,but in fact it is rather short. We often say “How time flies!”How many things can a man do in such a short period? So we should make full use of the valuable time. We should race with it. We should study and work hard. Never waste a little time.

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