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When we were a child and someone asks us a question of what we want when we grow up, we can easily answer and say like “I want to be a doctor” or “I want to be a lawyer”.But now, ask someone in your office what they want in life. Maybe they’ll just say they want a phone, they want a car, a new dress or house perhaps.Dreaming is free but a kid and a grown-up like me have different point of view regarding it. When kids answer to this question, they won’t hesitate to answer no matter how big their dreams are. They didn’t mean to worry if it’s achievable or not. What they do know is that they want it and it can be achieved. It’s something that for them, nothing can hinder towards realizing it. But as we grow up, we tend to realize that the world is harsh. Given the opportunity to answer the same question, we may pause for a while and think of something that can be realistic and more achievable. In short, we might dream something smaller. This is mainly because our mindset is affected by lots of facts that give us fear of dreaming big. We tend to analyze a lot thus limiting our ability to think big. As a result, this fear becomes a hindrance to achieve greater things in life.

More importantly, are we really living the dream we set out to dream? Was our dream big enough? Did we even have a dream? It turns out that one of the main reasons we work really hard without getting very far is because we don’t have an inspiring long term vision that leads us, step-by-step, into the future of our dreams. Most of the time, we’ve either forgotten our dreams or didn’t have one to start out with. As Victor Hugo said, “There is nothing like a dream to create the future.” We need a dream, and we need to dream big! In business terminology, the dream is typically called the Vision, and it defines the final destination of your business success. The dream tells you where you are going and becomes, in effect, your North Star.So start dreaming big, opportunities are endless!



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