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Everyone has his own dream, in order to make your dream come true, you have to pay a lot, some people may give up his dream when they met some setbacks, and some people will still stick to, always try their best towards to the dreams. There is a player in order to make his dream come true still insist and never give up.Beijing time on June 16, 2011 North American Hockey League final game came to an end. Boston Bruins VS Vancouver Canucks was 4-0 and won the Stanley Cup of the 4-3 aggregate score. This also is Boston Bruins for the first time won the Cup since 1972 all the players wore their cheap jerseys played on the field and for the goalkeeper Thomas for the first time in his career winning the MVP.The goalkeeper Thomas, who is 37 years old, was elected as the most valuable player because he successfully got the ball in the final game for 37 times. As a veteran, Thomas career is actually not smooth, until 28 years old he got the first opportunities to play in the hockey professional league in Europe. In 2005, Thomas became a member of Boston Bruins after six seasons; he and his teammates got the champion throne, their cheap authentic jerseys are welcomed among the fans.

A year ago, suffered from hip injury, he became the bench player from the top goalkeeper. Although all tried their best, they couldn’t redeem the lost in the second round of Stanley Cups. Compared to this period, Thomas thought that the years when he just came to North America hockey league soccer were more difficult. “At that time my career was in rising period, but there is not too much chance to play in the game. For many other people, sitting on bench for a long time will choose to give up, but this is not my character, I just want to try to make me more powerful, finally obtained the approval from others, whether internal and external conditions how bad.”Talking about the last game, Thomas said: “we did our best in the whole game and finally made return, played at the last moment, the whole team without reservation, adhere to the body to fight strategy, this might be the different places to the last few games.” “If you can insist on in your post long enough, you will eventually can reap③ your ideal and goal.” This motto encourages Thomas never give up, for him, the path to success is really long and bumpy, but today, he finally realized the dream and success.As long as you are unremitting, the dreams will come true one day, Thomas is such a living example.

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