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During the last several years we have witnessed one of the most trying times for financial markets in several decades, perhaps since the 1930's Great Depression. The global financial crisis which originated on Wall Street's subprime mortgage lending crisis in the US has swept the world, and gradually spread into other markets and countries through a combination of market failures and regulatory weaknesses. This socalled “financial tsunami” or “financial turmoil” has attracted world's attention, not only economists, policymakers and businessman, but also every ordinary people, because a global financial meltdown will affect the livelihoods of almost everyone in an increasingly inter-connected world.

The global financial crisis, brewing for a while, really started to show its effects in the middle of 2007 and into 2008. Around the world stock markets have fallen, large financial institutions have collapsed or been bought out, and governments in even the wealthiest nations have had to come up with rescue packages to bail out their financial systems. At this special time many people tend to make a comparison between this global financial crisis and 1930s Great Depression. The Great Depression set off by the US stock market crash in 1929 dragged on through the 1930s. I believe anyone will deny that the current financial crisis is the biggest in scale that the world has experienced since then. Unlike at the time of the Great Depression, when governments were slow to take countermeasures, this time the financial authorities of the wealthiest nations such as Japan, the United States, and Europe have came up with rescue packages by injecting liquidity, providing guarantees, dealing with troubled assets and recapitalizing the banking system to bail out their financial systems This seems to have worked for now, causing the situation to become somewhat calmer. The chances of another 1930sstyle Great Depression are small. But stock prices continue to move up and down violently, and the world is at the brink of falling into a “lost decade” if matters are mishandled in the period lying ahead.

In China, major economic indicators showed the country's real economy has been battered by the global financial turmoil. The thirdquarter economic growth rate slowed to 9 percent, the slowest pace in recent five years, and down from 10.6 percent in the first quarter of this year. Worldwide demand for the Chinese exports has already decreased, leading to a stall in domestic industrial production. Many export-oriented factories have shut down, leaving massive numbers of workers jobless.

With the deepening of the global financial crisis over the past months, the government has taken flexible and prudent macro-economic policies to deal with the complex and changing situation. These 10 moves are expected to have positive effects China's long-term economic development. At the same time, this stimulus package also provides a good opportunity to China to realize the reform of its economic growth model from one reliant on exports to one driven by domestic demand. China's previous growth model—based on intensive resource use, environmental degradation and cheap labor—cannot lead to further economic development.

广州勤学教育信息技术有限公司©版权所有 粤ICP备10236336号-4更新时间:2022-11-03