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Early next morning, we took all the treasure to the beach. Then Gray and Ben Gunn took it by boat to the Hispaniola. There was lots of it and we worked all day for three days. On the third night the doctor and I walked on the hill. We heard some voices far away in the night. “It’s the three pirates,” said the doctor.“They’re all drunk, sir,” said John Silver behind us. The doctor didn’t answer and he didn’t look at Silver. The buccaneer was always polite to us now and he always tried to do a lot of things for us. But nobody liked him.We didn’t hear the pirates again and we decided to leave them on the island. We left some food for them. Then we went to the Hispaniola and sailed away. The three pirates watched us from the island.

“Don’t leave us here!” they shouted.But we didn’t take them. They were dangerous and we didn’t want any problems. Soon the island was far away; and then there was only the sea. I was very happy.With only six men we couldn’t sail the ship to England, so we went to a port in Spanish America. Lots of Indians came to our ship to sell fruit and vegetables. That night we went to the town and we met an English captain. He took us to his ship for dinner and it was very late when we arrived back on the Hispaniola. Ben Gunn was on board. He told us that John Silver wasn’t there. “He went away in a boat a few hours ago,” he said. “I’m sorry. You see, I helped him. But I did it to save your lives. I’m sure he wanted to kill you all. He took some of the treasure with him—about 500.”“Well,” said the captain with a smile. “I think that’s cheap. Only 500 and we won’t see Silver again!”

I’ll finish my story quickly. We found some seamen and sailed to England. When the Hispaniola arrived at Bristol, we divided the treasure between us. Now Captain Smollett doesn’t work.Gray saved his money and now he has his own business. Ben Gunn got 1,000 and he lost it in three weeks!I don’t know where John Silver is now. Perhaps he’s living happily with his parrot Captain Flint. Sometimes I dream about Silver and Treasure Island. Then I wake up suddenly with the voice of Captain Flint in my ears: “Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!”

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