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苏菲·玛索(Sophie Marceau,1966.11.7— ),中法混血,生于法国巴黎,著名演员、歌手。下面小编为大家整理的苏菲玛索英文故事,希望对大家有用!


Serious and responsible, she tries to carry the world on her shoulders and rarely lets others know that she needs help and support. Sophie Marceau denies orignores her own emotional needs and feels that others will not accept her if she appears “weak”. She is especially uncomfortable with emotional dependency, and tells herself and others (even children) not to be a“baby”. Sophie Marceau needs to accept that no one is self-sufficient all the time, and to be gentler with her“childish” emotional needs and wants. To others, she may appear to be rather hard-nosed and tough, with a businesslike attitude toward their personal concerns and feelings. Actually, no one is a truer friend. Her feelings and loyalties run deep, but she often does not let people know how much she cares. Sophie Marceau also sometimes needs to learn to relax, enjoy herself, and play.Sophie has strong attachments to her past, the place where she grew up, her heritage and family traditions. In fact, Sophie Marceau may be unable to step out of the habits and roles that she learned as a child. Marceau’s ties to her mother are very strong and Sophie also seeks nurturing and protection from her spouse and other family members.

She is assertive and confronts difficulties in a direct,no-nonsense sort of way. Sophie Marceau cannot tolerate self-pity or passivity, and she can be rather brusque with others’ emotional problems. “Stop crying and do something about it” might be Marceau’s motto.Although Marceau gets hot under the collar rather easily (as mentioned above), she also has a certain degree of emotional self-control and composure, which enable Sophie Marceau to rein in some of her more aggressive tendencies. This side of her is described below.She is dedicated to the people she cares about and conscientious about fulfilling her responsibilities, especially to family. Family solidarity and cohesiveness are very important to Sophie Marceau; accordingly, so are the traditions, rituals, and memories that keep the bonds strong.

Sophie Marceau is apt to do more than her fair share in the family and go the extra mile, but for the most part this is satisfying rather than burdensome to her.In addition to Sophie’s rather introverted, serious or self-contained side, she has a wild streak and urge for emotional freedom that breaks through erratically. Sophie Marceau craves both stability and excitement, and the conflict between these two impulses can make Marceau rather tense and irritable. However, they can also balance each other out. Her freer and unpredictable side will now be described.She is uninhibited and spontaneous and will often do something unexpected or humorous in order to loosen people up and get them out of their rut. Sophie Marceau craves emotional stimulation, excitement, surprises and anything new. Marceau also loves to feel free and unfettered.Although Sophie Marceau was portrayed above as being assertive and combative, she also has a diametrically opposed tendency—namely the urge to escape all contention and ugliness. This may mellow Sophie’s fiery reactions somewhat, or she may seesaw between the two. Her softer side is described in the following paragraphs.Sophie Marceau tends to surround herself with people who are gentle, sensitive, peace loving, and artistically or spiritually inclined, and there is a strong element of mutual compassion and sympathy in her personal relationships. It is easy for Sophie to tune in psychically to other people’s feelings and emotional worlds. Sophie Marceau may share this type of telepathic link with her mother, sisters, or female friends in particular.

She enjoys emotional intensity and is attracted to the mysterious, the unknown, and dangerous or challenging experiences that draw on all of her inner resources. She is able to handle an emotional crisis very well and is interested in the underlying root of emotional problems and how to cure them. Sophie Marceau insists on bringing feelings between people out into the open, for she craves real closeness and intimacy in her relationships, without barriers or secrets.She is getting quickly excited by other people and will probably have many relationships that are terminated just as quickly as they are made. Sophie Marceau does not like to be alone and she always keeps her house open for her friends and acquaintances.Sophie has an instinctive understanding of other people and is very sympathetic toward them. Relationships are very important to Sophie Marceau, and she is likely to feel a strong inner bond with many of her friends.

In love relationships, Sophie Marceau desires a deep, intense and passionate union with her beloved and forms very strong emotional bonds and attachments. Sophie“marries” the person she loves at a very deep emotional level, and is often extremely possessive and jealous of anyone who may pose a threat to that union. Marceau can be very demanding of her love partner. Sophie Marceau tends to be somewhat suspicious of her partner’s relationships, even if they are merely platonic. If she is ever betrayed, Sophie Marceau is capable of hating with as much force and intensity as she once loved. She is attracted to people who have an aura of mystery about them.Beautiful, elegant and harmonious surroundings are very important to Sophie Marceau, and she has an innate sense of style, design and form. Socially as well good form and politeness are important to Marceau and she instinctively avoids crudeness and dissonance.She enjoys talking about love, relationships, art and the beautiful side of life. Sophie Marceau appreciates artistic people.Loyalty, fidelity and security are very important to Sophie Marceau in love relationships. She is cautious about giving her heart away but true to the one who does win her love. Her tastes are simple, even austere, and she does not appreciate frivolity. Marceau is interested in a person’s character and inner qualities far more than in his or her appearance. Casual or superficial relationships do not interest Sophie Marceau at all, for love seems to get deeper and richer and more satisfying for her with time.

When it comes to love relationships, Marceau is likely to feel pulled in several directions at once. In addition to her desire for depth and security in her relationships, Sophie Marceau has an impulsive side and a need for a lot of variety and excitement, as discussed in the following paragraphs. These urges do not have to conflict, but they certainly can, especially if Sophie acts on her spontaneous impulses without much consideration for their long-term effects on her personal life.She needs a lot of emotional and romantic stimulation, and may not be very interested in having just one mate or love partner. Variety, excitement, spontaneity, and freedom are quite important to Sophie, and “settling down” is not that appealing. Sophie Marceau tends to surround herself with unusual, creative, unconventional people that keep her life lively. Music or dancing or both play an important part in Marceau’s life.

She is very romantic, idealistic and imaginative about love relationships. Sophie Marceau yearns for her“true love” or “soul mate” and may become disappointed in those who never quite live up to her dream image of the perfect lover. Marceau frequently fantasizes about love and often falls in love with someone she can only love from afar. She may avoid making a definite personal commitment. Gentle and sensitive, Sophie Marceau does not like to be approached in a very direct or aggressive manner. She is attracted to those with artistic or mystical inclinations.

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