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查尔斯·路易斯·蒂芙尼(Charles Lewis Tiffany),美国康涅狄格州一位磨坊主的儿子,1837年来到纽约百老汇开设了一家小铺,成功后经过不断变迁发展,最终成了美国首屈一指的高档珠宝商店,下面小编为大家整理的蒂芙尼英文故事,希望对大家有用!


The year was 1837. Designer Charles Lewis Tiffany and his schoolmate John Young traveled from New England to New York City with an idea and a dream that were to become Tiffany & Co. While the first day of business brought in a mere four dollars and ninetyeight cents, the world of jewelry and luxury goods would never again be the same.Charles Tiffany’s tireless search for one-of-a-kind objects charmed and fascinated the wealthy of New York. But when the store obtained some of the French crown jewels in 1848, Tiffany’s fame spread far and wide.Charles Tiffany went on to introduce the nation’s first retail catalogue. And, his obsession with the simple elegance of classic silver design earned Tiffany & Co. the highly coveted Award of Merit at the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1867. This was the first time an American company had been recognized by a European jury.Of the many individual achievements made under the leadership of Charles Lewis Tiffany, the introduction of the celebrated engagement ring in the 6-prong Tiffany Setting is one of the most noteworthy. But, of course, Charles Tiffany’s grandest accomplishment was to establish America’s preeminent house of design and the world’s premier jeweler.

Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848—1933), the celebrated jewelry and glass designer, was born the son of Charles Lewis Tiffany, founder of Tiffany & Co. His remarkable career designing jewelry, windows and decorative glass spanned 57 years including his tenure with L.C. Tiffany& Associated Artists, the Tiffany Glass Company, Tiffany Studios, Tiffany Furnaces, and L.C. Tiffany Furnaces. In 1902 he became Tiffany & Co.’s first Design Director, creating fantastic jewelry designs inspired both by nature and the art of other cultures. His patent for opalescent window glass in 1881 and his commissions for Mark Twain, Cornelius Vanderbilt and many others earned him an international reputation. His work has been honored by museums and treasured by collectors around the world.

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