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Master: This battle is between you and me.

Tailung: So,that is how it's going to be.

Master: That is how it must be.

Tailung: I rotted in jail for20 years because of your weakness! Obeying your master is not weakness! You knew I was the Dragon Warrior.You always knew.But when Oogway said otherwise what did you do? What did you do? Nothing!

Master: You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior! That was not my fault!

Tailung: Not your fault? ! Who filled my head with dreams? ! Who drove me to train until my bones cracked? ! Who denied me my destiny? !

Master: It was never my decision to make!

Tailung: It is now.Give me the scroll!

Master: I would rather die.

Tailung: All I ever did,I did to make you proud! Tell me how proud you are,Shifu! Tell me! Tell me!

Master: I have...I have always been proud of you.From the first moment,I've been...proud of you.And it was my pride that blinded me.I loved you too much to see what you were becoming...what I was turning you into.I'm...I'm sorry.

Tailung:I don't want your apology.I want my scroll!What?Where is it?

师傅: 这是你我之间的战斗。

泰龙: 那么,就如你所言吧。

师傅: 必须如我所言。

泰龙: 我在大牢里蹲了20年,就因为你的懦弱!听师父的话,怎叫懦弱!你知道的,我原本应是“龙武士”。你一直知道。但是当乌龟大师说我不是龙武士的时候,你做什么了?你做什么了?什么都没做!

师傅: 你本来就不是龙武士!那不是我的错!

泰龙: 不是你的错?是谁让我充满梦想?是谁让我练功练到骨头断裂?是谁否定了我的命运?

师傅: 这不是我能决定的事!

泰龙: 那就趁现在(快做决定)!给我卷轴!

师傅: 我宁可死。

泰龙: 我做的一切都是为了让你骄傲,告诉我你有多骄傲,师父!告诉我!告诉我!

师傅: 我……我一直都为你骄傲,从一开始,我就……为你骄傲。是这种骄傲,让我看不清你。我太爱你了,而看不到你变成了……我让你转变成的样子。我……我很抱歉。


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