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《绝望的主妇》(英文名是Desperate Housewives)是由美国广播公司出品的一部家庭伦理电视剧。下面小编为大家整理的绝望主妇电视剧英语对话,希望对大家有用!


Bree:Katherine,darling,are you okay?

Katherine:Not really.Oh.I hope there's nothing wrong with the food.Is any body else getting sick?

Bree: Oh,no.No,dear.Just you.Maybe you should go home.

Katherine: I can't.I have to present the founder's award.

Bree: Oh,no one would expect you to do that in your condition.You know what?Um,I could do it.

Katherine: No.I can get it together.

Bree: Katherine,no one expects you to be a martyr.Why don't you go home?

Katherine: I can't.

Bree: Why not?I'm perfectly capable of presenting.I've done it for the last eight years.And let's face it.I mean,no one wants to accept an award from a woman who looks like she should be in line at the needle exchange.

Katherine: This is important to me.I'll be fine.



布里: 哦,没有。没有,亲爱的。只有你病了,也许你该回家休息。

凯瑟琳: 不行。我还要颁奖呢。

布里: 哦,你现在身体不舒服还怎么颁奖啊?你知道吗?嗯,我能帮你。

凯瑟琳: 不,我会坚持的。

布里: 凯瑟琳,别说得和烈士一样。回家休息吧。

凯瑟琳: 我不能回去。

布里: 为什么?我完全有能力颁奖。过去8年都是我在做。说实话,谁愿意从你手中拿过奖杯?你现在看上去就像一堆烂白菜。

凯瑟琳: 这对我来说很重要。我没事。

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