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Daisy: What are you looking at,Caroline?

Caroline: The wind,mom.They say a hurricane is coming.

Daisy: I feel like I'm on a boat...drifting.

Caroline:Can I do anything for you,mom? Make anything easier?

Daisy: Oh,sugar.There is nothing left to do.It is what it is.I'm finding it harder to keep my eyes open.My mouth's full of...cotton.

Dorothy: There,there,miss Daisy.You will scratch yourself to ribbons.

Caroline:Do you want any more medication,mother? Doctor said you can have as much as you want.

Dorothy: No need for anybody to suffer.

Caroline: A...friend told me that...she never had a chance to say goodbye to her mother.I wanted to...

Daisy: It's OK.

Caroline: I wanted to tell you...how much I'm gonna miss you.Mom.

Daisy: Oh,Caroline.

Caroline: Are you afraid?

Daisy: I'm curious.What comes next.

黛西: 卡洛琳,你在看什么?

卡洛琳: 看风,妈妈。他们说要来飓风了。

黛西: 我觉得自己像在船上……漂着。


黛西: 哦,甜心,已经没什么可做的了。该来的终究要来,我越来越睁不开眼了。我嘴巴里都是……棉花的味道。

桃乐茜: 好了,好了,黛西小姐。你要把自己抓成碎条了。


桃乐茜: 这样就不用在受罪了。

卡洛琳: 有个……朋友和我说……她不曾有和母亲说再见的机会。我想说……

黛西: 没关系。

卡洛琳: 我想和你说……我会非常想念你的,妈妈。

黛西: 噢,卡洛琳。

卡洛琳: 你害怕吗?

黛西: 我很好奇,接下来会怎样。

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