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This cartoon displays a scenario that might arouse the memory of our childhood times. A group of children is watching TV news about the successful launch of the Shenzhou-6 spaceship, which is a great symbol of our national strength and scientific competency. The children are so encouraged by this big event that they are determined to dedicate themselves to science after growing up.

As is conveyed by the picture,it is of great significance to implant in the minds of future generations positive ideals and pursuits. However,it is not difficult for us to perceive that in today's society, a considerable number of children are greatly affected by negative influences especially from the entertainment field. Hence, they regard superficial fame and dazzling appearance as the signs of success instead of unknown diligence. It goes without saying that such a trend might undermine children's future careers and development.

Consequently,the whole society should bear the accountability to help the next generation shape a wholesome outlook of life and great dreams. It is of benefit for children themselves to work hard to fulfill their dreams, and contributes to our country in general by yielding more talents devoted to science and technology.





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