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The scene in this picture is very inspiring.Members of a football team stand shoulder to shoulder ahead of an upcoming game. They place their arms around each other, a display of mutual support. Though not seeing their faces, we can feel their strong sense of solidarity.

As an activity that requires teamwork and cooperation, football places the spirit of solidarity in the highest position. Admittedly, a couple of talented and skilled players can contribute vastly to a football team's victory. However, a continuously satisfactory performance relies not on individual excellence, but on how each member regards himself as part of a whole union, and how well they collaborate.Exactly speaking,it is this spirit that makes football one of the most popular sports around the world. It composes the game's essence,endowing it with elements that allow it to attract heated enthusiasm and devotion.

Football also inspires people to apply the spirit of solidarity in daily life and work. This spirit can be extended to the historical truth that the rise and fall ofa nation depends on how citizens are united by one heart. When people strive collectively for their nation, the country is bound to step towards prosperity.





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