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The contemporary world is frequently compared to a "global village" that is tightly connected by the Internet, just as is depicted in the picture. However, it isn't difficult to note that the Internet also separates the world into numerous groups and individuals that become increasingly unaware of their own lives and are estranged from each other.

Every coin has two sides and the Internet is no exception. On the one hand, it benefits all the aspects of people's lives worldwide by providing information, facilitating long-distance communication and streamlining working procedures. The Internet has already become an indispensable part of the modern life. On the other hand, it creates a virtual environment with which large numbers of netizens are so obsessed that they even turn a blind eye to the real life. Personal relations are obstructed, as many people tend to enclose themselves in the virtual world. This will not only do harm to their lives, but also lead to moral indifference and degradation in the whole society.

Advantages of the Internet should be further explored and employed, but I still strongly maintain thatit's time to curb the adverse impact of the Internet. For example, netizens should be well informed of the harm of the Internet through education; in addition, measures should be adopted to avoid Internet addiction.





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