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As is shown in the picture, lots of graduates are at the transition from college to a new life which might be the hardest one they face in their lives. When presented with tons of choices like going into a workforce, pursuing a master's degree, going abroad or launching a business, they are lost.

Just as we're always told, "There is no dress rehearsal in life." Too much pressure has been put on us to make the "right choice". It is even hard for people who's been in the adult world for decades, not to mention young people who are easily influenced by extraneous issues. However, we have to confess that the most important thing in decision-making is self-knowledge—knowing what we like and what we need.

This picture actually strikes a chord with me.When steering my own path, I told myself, "Make a decision and then take a quick action instead of waiting to figure out what might be the best." I try to sort all things out rationally before making the final decision. If the result is not satisfactory, I will still take pride in myself because it is the decision of my own. Without action,nothing is gained; once you make the choice, do your best.





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