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The picture depicts a big lion standing before a gate named "medicine circulation". In his mouth, he is swallowing "sales commission". We can easily deduce that the picture describes the phenomenon of sales commission in the field of medicine.

As a matter offact,this phenomenon has become a serious problem in current society.It can be said with certainty that it is an "open secret" that most hospitals and doctors accept sales commissions. Sales commissions work as a bridge between hospitals and pharmaceutical factories or agents. To some degree, both sides reach an agreement, from which both sides benefit a lot from these deals. Yet the patients become the innocent victims. There is no denying that the sales commission is directly responsible for the general high price of medicine, which makes some patients even unable to afford to see doctors.

Sales commission is like a huge tumor of the society. The government has already taken pains to implement regulations but still fails to eliminate such deals. In my opinion,this problem should be urgently solved so as to protect patients' benefits. I expect the government will put forward more effective propositions as soon as possible.





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