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作为中学生, 只有真正认识到学英语和用英语的重要性, 才会信心百倍地学好英语。下面小编为大家整理的学英语重要性英文文章,希望对大家有用!


Most of my classmates study English just in order to pass exams, but in fact learning it is very important.

English plays a great role in commu- nication, since it is spoken all over the world. In other words, it is a great help if you ever travel abroad, or deal with for- eigners in any way. It is the world lan-guage, and makes us further understandthe world.

In addition, it opens the door to the cultures and customs of English- speaking countries, and expands one’s understanding of the world.

As a language, English also has its special charms. Reading and listening to English poems and essays can offer com- fort and fulfillment. When studying Eng- lish, we are not simply learning a lan- guage, but gaining the history and culture that go with it.

In sum, we study English for many reasons, the least of which is to pass exams.

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