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Most people today are aware of the environmental challenges facing our planet. Young people understand that cutting down on energy use and decreasing waste are necessary steps towards curbing climate change and preventing energy shortages.

For environmentally-conscious students seeking to make a positive difference on their own college campuses, the simplest and best approach is to follow the “Three Rs”principle: reduce, reuse and recycle. The first “R” stands for “reduce”. Students can reduce waste and limit their energy usage on campus in many ways. For instance, electricity usage can be limited by turning off computers before going to sleep and remembering to turn off the lights before leaving a room. The second of the three Rs is “reuse”. Many products commonly used on college campuses, such as knives, spoons and chopsticks, are available in both single-use and reusable forms. Whenever possible, students should choose reusable products over disposable ones. The third “R” stands for “recycle”. With recycling bins placed in various locations across many campuses, it is easier than ever before for students to recycle.

High waste levels contribute to energy depletion and environmental degradation. We should all do our part to respond to the environmental challenges that we face as a planet.For college students, following the “Three Rs” is a simple but effective way to cut down on waste and help to make the world a greener place.





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