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Appreciation 感谢

1.I really appreciate the kindness you showed to me when I visited your company yesterday.非常感谢你在昨天我拜访贵公司时对我的热情招待。

2.It was really kind of you to put in some extra hours last night in order to finish the report early.为了早些完成报告,昨晚你加了几小时的班,真是难为你了。

3.It was so thoughtful of you to...关于……一事,你想得真周到。

4.Thank you for your letter of appreciation for my work during the past year. 谢谢你就我去年的工作写给我的感谢信。

5.This is just a letter of appreciation to let you know...我特意写这封感谢信是想让你知道……

Admiration 钦佩

1.I really admire the way you stuck to your guns when asked about...言及……,我真的很敬佩你能坚持自己的主张。

2.I was impressed by your determination and hard work.你的决心和努力给我留下了深刻印象。

3.We all admired the way you handled the sales negotiations with...我们都很钦佩你和……进行销售谈判的方式。

4.You did a terrific/fantastic/superb job.你做得好极了。

5.Well done! 太棒了!

6.We have all been impressed by all the hard work you have been doing lately and we thought that you should know how highly we think of you here at Shanghai Corporation.你最近的努力工作给我们留下了深刻的印象,我们想让你知道,在上海公司这里,我们对你的评价有多高。

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