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A: I’m really ___①___ Larry! He’s the biggest airhead I’ve ever met. He always makes careless mistakes, and he’s a pain to work with.


B: You shouldn’t be so negative. You’ll always have some co-workers that are harder to work with than others. But if you are negative and start name-calling in the office, it will make a bad working environment for everybody.


A: You only say that because you don’t have to work with him. The people in your department seem so capable and ____②____. Take Mary for example. She’s smart and enthusiastic. I’ve never met anyone as cheery as she is.

A:你这么说是因为你没有和他共过事。你们部门的人好像很能干,很好交往。以玛丽为例, 她既精明又热情,我从来没有见过像她这样爽快的人。

B: Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. Even Larry. He might be a pain to be around, but he’s also very good at ____③____ on projects. Mary, on the other hand, spends our project money like there’s no tomorrow. Also, she’s never willing to stay a little later at the office. She always leaves at 5:00 pm sharp.


A: Isn’t there anyone in the office that is a perfect co-worker? What about Bob? Everybody loves Bob. Even though he’s fresh out the college and still ___④___, he is a great co-worker.


B: You’ re right. He’s a hard worker, easy to get along with, honest, and he never steals the credit on projects. The only thing he’s lacking in is experience.


A: Maybe that’s why he’s so nice!



1.Passport application 申请护照

A: How long does it take for passport applications?

B: One month.



2.Pick up at the airport 接机

A: Mike is coming today. Did you arrange the pick up?

B: Yes. Mr.Zhang is going with a name plate of Mike.

A: Good. Hope he is not going to miss him this time!




3.Residence permit 居留许可

A: Do we need to apply for a residence permit for our foreign experts?

B: Yes, we do. But it combined with the visa.



4.Visa extension 签证延期

A: Where do we get the visa extension in China?

B: At the Police Station.



5.Legal assistance 法律协助

A: How do we get legal assistance?

B: We have a company lawyer, whose name is Mr.Yang.


A: I’m really ___①___ Larry! He’s the biggest airhead I’ve ever met. He always makes careless mistakes, and he’s a pain to work with.


B: You shouldn’t be so negative. You’ll always have some co-workers that are harder to work with than others. But if you are negative and start name-calling in the office, it will make a bad working environment for everybody.


A: You only say that because you don’t have to work with him. The people in your department seem so capable and ____②____. Take Mary for example. She’s smart and enthusiastic. I’ve never met anyone as cheery as she is.

A:你这么说是因为你没有和他共过事。你们部门的人好像很能干,很好交往。以玛丽为例, 她既精明又热情,我从来没有见过像她这样爽快的人。

B: Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. Even Larry. He might be a pain to be around, but he’s also very good at ____③____ on projects. Mary, on the other hand, spends our project money like there’s no tomorrow. Also, she’s never willing to stay a little later at the office. She always leaves at 5:00 pm sharp.


A: Isn’t there anyone in the office that is a perfect co-worker? What about Bob? Everybody loves Bob. Even though he’s fresh out the college and still ___④___, he is a great co-worker.


B: You’ re right. He’s a hard worker, easy to get along with, honest, and he never steals the credit on projects. The only thing he’s lacking in is experience.


A: Maybe that’s why he’s so nice!


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